Latin Palace
Baltimore | 多国籍
Food was always a little pricey and a little slow, but the salsa lessons and atmosphere here were amazing! I heard rumors it closed now and if so that's really too bad... it was a really fun place.
- 3.5
Baltimore | 多国籍
Food was always a little pricey and a little slow, but the salsa lessons and atmosphere here were amazing! I heard rumors it closed now and if so that's really too bad... it was a really fun place.
Chinatown | 揚げ物
Basic but pretty good cheesecake! Atmosphere of this place was great but the food was just so-so. Good place for drinks with friends though.
原宿 | スイーツ
キャンディーのバラ売り専門店!可愛いアメリカのグミがいっぱい。子供や甘党が喜ぶね。グミ好きな私も何を買うかかなり悩んでました(笑)店員さんの全身ピンクな衣装も観光客から注目🎀 でも安くないから重さに要注意!ちょっとしたグミが500円近くした…
麻布十番 | スイーツ
原宿 | カフェ
ハリネズミ、ウサギ、チンチラ、カワウソがいるカフェ。めっちゃくちゃ可愛いし癒されるしスタッフも丁寧でしたけど、動物が人間にこんなに触られて大丈夫かちょっと心配しちゃう。 30分で1500円、あっという間に終わります!ワンドリンク付き、自動販売機。
原宿 | カフェ
友達と日曜日ブランチ!やっと噂のリコッタパンケーキ食べれました🥞 シンプルであまり甘くなくて美味しかったです!日曜日朝10時について並んで20分で入れました。 Sunday brunch! Arrived at 10 and only waited 20 minutes to get in. Ricotta pancakes!
渋谷 | 和食
牛肉うどんの小。早くて安くてじゅうぶん美味しい🤗 My favorite cheap chain udon noodle restaurant. Fast and easy, good for a quick meal alone! This beef udon was 490 yen for the “small” size, they also have “regular” and “large”.
溜池山王・霞ヶ関 | 麺類
トマトとバジルのうどん!お箸で食べる。イタリアンと和食のミックス面白かったし、普通にモチモチした生パスタみたいに美味しかったです!色んな創作的なうどんがあります。大盛り無料で1000円!窓席から東京タワー見れます🗼 Fusion udon noodle shop!
Chinatown | ラーメン
Their ramen soup & toppings seemed a little weak to me but the noodles are awesome! Good ramen overall. 1階はラーメン屋、2階は居酒屋という面白いセットアップ。居酒屋は予約必須だけどラーメンはそのまま入れます。スープは微妙ですが麺は美味しい!
Beltsville | 洋食
Ceasar chicken wrap at TJs! Good & filling! This little restaurant serves a lot of "home style" cooking and simple American meals. My grandparents seem to like it, we go a lot for family lunches. 本物のファミリーレストラン、美味しい🤗
バハマ | バー
Located right by the Nassau pier where all the cruise ships come in, Senor Frogs is a bit infamous as a bar for travelers to stop and drink at until their ships leave. ナッソーの有名なバー。観光客に大人気。ちょっとクレイジーな感じ(笑)
Annandale | ラーメン
Japanese style ramen shop in Annandale! 🍜 Authentic styles & toppings. I have lot of good memories of coming here with VA based friends! Free parking. 韓国街にある日本風ラーメン屋さん!アメリカのラーメンとして割とリーズナブルで美味しい。
Georgetown | スイーツ
The sweets here are all expensive but they are super tempting! I've gotten some of the cookies a few times and they are always amazing ✨ Some seating here, and pretty spacious inside with lots of daily grocery type foods & fruits too.
大久保・新大久保 | ラーメン
とんこつラーメンランチ、590円!替え玉無料🐷 店内は結構綺麗で明るくて、1人でも入りやすい◎ Cheap chain ramen place with free noodle refills! Tonkotsu ramen comes with 1 chashu pork piece for 590 yen. Multilingual menus available.
Ocean City | 海鮮系
An Ocean City staple! They have a lot of seafood options but crabs are obviously the big draw! You have to try some blue crabs when you're in Maryland 🦀 You can order things individually from the menu or get a seafood buffet option.
Olney | アジアエスニック
Little pho shop; fast, clean, & quite good. One of only a few Asian restaurants in Olney so definitely great for locals. The flan was a little too soft for my liking but still decent, I liked the pho a lot though. They have banh mi too!
Arlington | イタリアン
Just a short walk from Clarendon Metro, this Cheesecake Factory is a great place to meet with friends living in the DC or Arlington area for a birthday dinner or something! Pricey as always but of course the cake is good. チーズケーキ最高!
Gettysburg | バー
Little pub in downtown Gettysburg, popular with Gettysburg College students on weekend nights. Food is decent and overall I like the atmosphere, they have vegetarian/vegan options and can seat big groups too. I got the sandwich wrap lunch!
Columbia | 洋食
Fondue restaurant! I love the chocolate & dessert fondues, have been less impressed with some of the meal fondues (the dumpling one OK though!). The ying yang design chocolate fondue is great, beautiful & delicious! Great for birthdays.
銀座 | 焼肉