有楽町・日比谷 | 肉系
located at Hibiya food hall. meat ball dish served with rice.
- 3.0
有楽町・日比谷 | 肉系
located at Hibiya food hall. meat ball dish served with rice.
王子 | ラーメン
stable ramen stand at Oji area. all-in ramen including two types of wantan and grilled pork.
門前仲町・木場・東陽町 | 中華料理
great gyoza shop. tasty, must visit.
池袋 | 洋食
great Hanburg restaurant. very delicious. slightly spicy.
新宿 | カフェ
famous seafood sandwich stand now available at Shinjuku. Great taste.
銀座 | 和食
great oyster. wine selection also good.
十条 | ラーメン
ramen-noodle with fish-based soup. not bad.
飯田橋・神楽坂 | 和食
great Japanese cuisine. Moderate price.
赤羽 | 和食
pork bowl. good taste and reasonable price.
王子 | カフェ
excellent! strongly recommended. hard to find.
王子 | ラーメン
great wantan-men and strongly recommended to shrimp-lovers.
十条 | 和食
fish-lovers oriented. smoke-free during lunch time.
伊東~下田 | 洋食
great spanish. no-smoking.
両国・錦糸町 | 中華料理
great chinese small dish with sophisticated operation.
上野・御徒町・湯島 | バー
smoke-free beer bar located at SAKURA terrace.
曙橋・四ツ谷三丁目 | 和食
Zangi, Kushiro-style fried chiken. Served with special sourse.
十条 | ラーメン
order via tablet and pay by machine. great tanmen, noodle with massive vegitable. appendix July2020: permanently closed.
表参道 | 和食
greatest cuisine but exclusive.
上野・御徒町・湯島 | 多国籍
great Russian cuisine. reasonable price.
十条 | 洋食
great lunch at reasonable price