Banyumas | 揚げ物
www.rfcindonesia.com welcome, here it is restaurant with new inovation. so many kinds food and dringking here. good taste, quality food, best flavour, etc
- 3.5
Banyumas | 揚げ物
www.rfcindonesia.com welcome, here it is restaurant with new inovation. so many kinds food and dringking here. good taste, quality food, best flavour, etc
Banyumas | アジアエスニック
Welcome in Purwokerto. here is famouse restaurant. so many branch of this rest. Delicious, cheaps and so many people come here. Ada Ayam Goreng, Lele Terbang, Dop Buah..and many others. FREE ICE TEA JUMBO GLASS
Banyumas |
It is traditional food that maked from kedelai. it is called "mendoan". it is very delicious eat warm with ketchup sauce hot. welcome. it can be founded in Banyumas and Cilacap City. and this Mendoan Raksasa in feont of Margono Hospital