Very high quality sushi and maintained the level since moving to the new venue. Still underrated vs many big names in town. The octopus was lovely, same for many nigiris!
いいね!13件 コメント0件 行きたい!0件
Very high quality sushi and maintained the level since moving to the new venue. Still underrated vs many big names in town. The octopus was lovely, same for many nigiris!
いいね!13件 コメント0件 行きたい!0件
茅場町・八丁堀 | ラーメン
茅場町・八丁堀 | カレー
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茅場町・八丁堀 | 和食
茅場町・八丁堀 | 洋食
茅場町・八丁堀 | ラーメン
茅場町・八丁堀 | 和食
茅場町・八丁堀 | 洋食
茅場町・八丁堀 | 和食
茅場町・八丁堀 | アジアエスニック