田中泉水名人 elegant. 4.5 いいね!12件 コメント5件 行きたい!0件 田中泉水La i didn't translate. but i did my best. Damn it! Laura ✳︎ ローラI'm not sure if this counts as elegant, lol, but it looks very rich!! 柊 さちMaybe any sweets could be elegant for men. どうしてレオキングは赤くなったの❓ 田中泉水さち i'm embarrassed because you are... i'm hottest. Laura ✳︎ ローラWell practice makes perfect!! ^^
La i didn't translate. but i did my best. Damn it!
I'm not sure if this counts as elegant, lol, but it looks very rich!!
Maybe any sweets could be elegant for men. どうしてレオキングは赤くなったの❓
さち i'm embarrassed because you are... i'm hottest.
Well practice makes perfect!! ^^